Call for challenges

Next generation innovation – Internships and/or Student Projects

This call is closed.

Stay tuned for upcoming calls and initiatives from CRIAQ.

Every year, several teams of students enrolled in Quebec engineering schools take part in various competitions, usually sponsored by learned societies. CRIAQ wishes to provide financial support to students who need to develop prototypes to take part in these aerospace-related competitions. To achieve this, we have set up a program to which student teams can apply for funding in the form of sponsorship.

Eligibility criteria 

  • The competition must be inter-university and require the construction of an aircraft. Example: SAE cargo plane; remote-controlled helicopter, etc.  
  • The project must be carried out as a team, and the majority of team members must be undergraduate engineering or technical CEGEP students and may come from a single institution or several.  

Main selection criteria 

  • Team organization, activity planning and number of students involved.  
  • Costs and distribution of funding between different sources.  
  • The nature of the competition and its impact locally, nationally, and internationally.  

Funding level  

Maximum funding will be $2,000. CRIAQ requirements and visibility. For this sponsorship, CRIAQ will require adequate visibility on the aircraft and in the team’s promotional material, as well as a brief report on the results (with photos) after the competition.

Communicate with the team

Riad Abed
Principal Coordinator, Program Management and Special Projects