Call for ideas

Aero-Impact-Society – Innovation Multidisciplinary Call

This call is closed.

Stay tuned for upcoming calls and initiatives from CRIAQ.

CRIAQ firmly believes in application segments associated with major industry transformation vectors. It is important that these innovation projects also have an impact on other transformation vectors. At this moment in the evolution of the aerospace industry and society, it is critical to energize multidisciplinary research and innovation, ensuring not only the development of cutting-edge technological solutions, but also the practices and means of dissemination to ensure that these solutions produce convincing public benefits.


This initiative aims to:

  • Stimulate a broadening of the issues of interest to the consortium, to support the development of regulatory, social and economic conditions facilitating the integration of new technologies into the market.  
  • Support multidisciplinary teams of researchers seeking to advance knowledge on a societal issue linked to the development of aerospace innovations.  
  • Develop a pool of researchers and experts from different sectors and disciplines.  
  • Develop innovative aerospace knowledge and technologies with multidisciplinary components addressing societal issues.  
  • Generate new ideas, practices and ways of disseminating and mobilizing knowledge and spin-offs to various sectors and authorities (public spin-offs).  
  • Accelerate the exploration of new partnerships to further diversify Quebec’s aerospace sector.  


Project teams must include at least:

  • Two universities, College Centres for the Transfer of Technologies (CCTT) or public research centres, one of which (principal applicant) is based in Quebec.   
  • A Quebec-based company with in-house production or R&D activities. Note that the industrial partner does not necessarily have to make a financial contribution to the project.   

Eligible projects  

For this call, CRIAQ expects to receive project proposals addressing some of the challenges and themes of interest in CRIAQ’s Roadmap 2035. Examples are given in the Guide below. Please refer to them.

Terms and conditions 

Phase 1 – Application submission to CRIAQ – Selection of research team (in summary)

  • Team formation, choice of subject, project outline, choice of funding program and submission of application to CRIAQ.  
  • Duration: 2 months.  
  • Criteria: see complete Guide.  

Phase 2 – Setting up the research project

  • Detailed design and drafting of the research proposal and budget.  
  • Duration: 6 months.  
  • Criteria: see complete Guide.  

Phase 3 – Carrying out the research project (following acceptance of the submitted proposal)

  • Realization of the research project as submitted to the funder during the Phase.  
  • Duration: 1 to 5 years, depending on the financing program chosen.  

Evaluation criteria 

The evaluation criteria considered are presented in the table in the complete Guide.   

Financing information   

CRIAQ would like to support one (1) team for this proposal. The team will receive a total non-repayable contribution with a potential value of $50,000:

  • During Phase 2: $25,000, upon signature of an agreement between CRIAQ and the principal applicant, to support the preparation and submission of the full funding application.  
  • During Phase 3: $25,000, upon signature of an agreement between CRIAQ and the research team, to support the project itself, if it receives positive funding advice from the relevant organization (e.g., NSERC or FRQ).  

See the complete Guide for eligible expenses.

Proposal submission 

To submit a project proposal, applicants are invited to contact Arnaud Déau and Mohammed Boutouba by e-mail. CRIAQ will then provide the team with a proposal form. The proposal form must be duly completed and sent to the following e-mail address: The submission deadline is April 30, 2023, before 11:59 a.m. Applications received after this date will not be considered for evaluation. Please see all the information in the complete Guide.  

Communicate with the team

Mohammed Boutouba, Arnaud Déau
Project Managers